00:00:43 Pattern Observer: Hi everyone! They are trimming trees outside my house right now, it is so loud! I will stay muted so you don’t have to hear this awfulness 00:01:16 Pattern Observer: As a reminder there is no critique this week because Thanksgiving is on Thursday 00:14:52 Carol Ann: How do you get paid from zazzle 00:16:41 Lisa M.: which site do you prefer for highest profit/royalty? 00:21:21 rachael: Can you show an example of resizing your artwork to fit their product dimension? Ie: my work is 13x19” but I need it to fit in 1000x1000px… do I have to start over with making the design? Thanks 00:25:41 Jessica Sams: Sorry Sherry, I’m overbooked this morning. I’ve got another meeting in 5 mins. When I create a collection on a marketplace I like to prepare a spreadsheet first so I can copy/paste the metadata and keep track of what I’ve uploaded where. 00:25:48 Jessica Sams: gotta go! 00:33:25 Lisa M.: would love to see how you work with and tips for working in the AI program. 00:37:33 Carol Ann: yes 01:02:31 Pattern Observer: Wow!!! 01:09:45 Carol Ann: I just bought a new monitor, is there a way that I should calibrate my monitor to have it match what I see is what I get? 01:11:33 Carol Ann: Love the umbrella 01:12:54 Carol Ann: thank you how do you spell exrite/ 01:13:41 rachael: Thanks! 01:13:43 Carol Ann: Thnaks so much 01:13:48 rachael: Would be rly helpful 01:15:00 Lisa M.: yes. thanks. understood 01:16:53 Carol Ann: look forward to next month 01:17:02 rachael: Me too