00:00:55 terry: Good Morning 00:01:34 terry: What software are you using 00:01:47 Jenny Bova: Now I’m dying to see the video! 00:03:17 Rita Patel: I know that feeling LOL 00:03:54 Teresa Reynolds: Hi 00:07:20 Jenny Bova: Gorgeous! 00:07:47 stephaniechauvel: They are wonderful! 00:08:03 Rita Patel: It looks so good! 00:08:33 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: great job 👏🏽 00:10:14 Kathleen: Very sculptural , so interesting ! 00:10:54 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: Good morning 00:11:35 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: it could be a contest for your followers to. and them! 00:11:40 Jenny Bova: Good idea! 00:12:33 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: haha 00:14:24 annembray: They pitched me. Can’t deal with them right now. 00:18:53 Rita Patel: Congratulations Stephanie!! 00:18:56 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: https://indd.adobe.com/view/4c6516d5-6320-47a1-b979-7b7b108e10d3 00:19:26 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: I started my portfolio….👆🏼 00:22:51 Rita Patel: you can practice prentend zoom meetings 00:23:06 Jenny Bova: And practice sharing your screen 00:23:16 annembray: I did that pract 00:23:38 bob: Who is the customer in this show ? 00:24:16 Jenny Bova: I’d be happy to join if you want feedback on how things look from the viewer side… 00:24:39 bob: I can join too to help … good idea to practice with “ real people” 00:24:42 annembray: Argh. Practice Zooming with friends when I had to move to online instruction last year. Do it a couple of times! My second was Class and I had no sound!!!! Haha. 00:25:13 Rita Patel: me too 00:25:23 Amarti: What is the name of the show Stephanie? 00:27:13 Amarti: Cool thanks 00:28:00 Anna: For Michele - My windy Sketchbook Picture 00:29:36 Anna: MICHELE - even managed to get the seagull in the pic ;-) 00:31:50 Anna: UPDATE - Been thinking differently about taking photos when out and about, taking more than one from fifferent angles for multiple picture uses, Getting the hang of Adobe Spark now— thanks for the intro, still trying to figure tailwind on the iPad .. but getting there … learning all those first before developing a posting strategy ..I want to get the workflow faster for the making of content first before posting… all good though, happy with process , thanks :-) 00:32:28 Jenny Bova: Terry- what is the advantage to having one long photo? Fewer transitions? 00:33:44 Jenny Bova: That’s a great tip! Thanks Terry! 00:34:29 Jenny Bova: What size image are you using? 00:36:01 Anna: Does anyone know the correct tailwind App for iPad. That allows making new pins on the app? 00:38:32 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: haha 00:39:35 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: good tip! 00:44:08 annembray: Post it in instagram and use that link? Or just put your ig account? 00:44:13 Jenny Bova: I think that’s an issue with Pinterest. I find a lot of pins with bad links 00:45:11 Jenny Bova: It seems like people find popular posts and then repin the image with their own link, which is totally unrelated. Obviously a bad practice. 00:45:44 annembray: Ha. I just found one of mine that’s bad because I revamped my design website. 00:46:05 annembray: How about your Board link on Pinterest? 00:46:34 annembray: :-) 00:48:55 Anna: Saving could be a CMYK RGB colour issue on saving out in in design … here a help link that might work https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign/colors-changing-on-pdf-export-from-indesign/m-p/9613002 00:49:17 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: looks great! beautiful patterns 00:49:44 annembray: Great visually. You tell a good visual story. 00:50:32 Anna: Looks very clear, inviting and is easy to read .. I like the presentation 00:51:48 Jenny Bova: That’s what mock ups are for Ellie :-) 00:53:00 Anna: You could also say “ Textile Design Lab” Member and any other textile communities you are part off 00:56:20 Anna: Its easy to switch between instagram and tailwind 00:56:49 Anna: Yes I had the same issue 00:57:17 Anna: Yes agreed- I cannot work it from the iPad - it just keeps switching to Facebook prompts .. 00:57:47 Jenny Wilkinson: I’ve struggled with tailwind a bit, but have been enjoying using later for Instagram. 00:57:48 annembray: I was using it but with the 100 posts per month, I want to use those for Pinterest. I do use it for hashtag suggestions for IG 00:58:34 Kathleen: Facebook constantly gives my business and personal pages issues 00:59:16 annembray: I’m OK with FB, but I use Tumblr for archiving purposes and lost connection with one IG account. 00:59:48 Jenny Bova: It uses personal for everything, but you will get that option 01:00:03 Jenny Bova: Go through personal and tell it which page you want to connect to... 01:00:27 Kathleen: Depending on the type of Ig account you may not be able to have a connection to the business FB page 01:01:36 annembray: Yes. Not Creator, only Business for Tailwind - IG 01:02:51 annembray: Yes, do Desktop for Pinterest 01:05:45 Anna: Adobe Rush is good for video on ipad 01:06:48 Jenny Wilkinson: Yes, I started using the Adobe rush app on the iPad this week and it seemed really easy to use for short video editing. 01:07:17 Anna: Jenny - yes I found it really quick and easy to learn for just social videos 01:07:22 Kathleen: Does anyone have a recommendation for a large monitor ? Over 30 “ ? Thats not wide but high. 01:08:44 Jenny Bova: I agree- that is a great skillshare class 01:08:51 stephaniechauvel: I need to go. Thanks everyone for the support! 01:09:25 Anna: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/ohnmarwin/_saved/ 01:13:18 annembray: Yeah, find something else that matches your other photo mockups vs Linework image. 01:14:07 Jenny Bova: Is it possible to make your name bigger at the top of the page and the menu items smaller? I know this is a limited format… but on the pages I think your name should still be bigger. 01:15:25 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: if you try Squarespace you can make it a slideshow. 01:15:39 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: I used InDesign which can be published to the Adobe cloud or output as a pdf booklet. 01:17:40 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: It seems Portfolio is more of a website gallery app. 01:18:24 Jenny Wilkinson: I can subgest 01:18:37 Jenny Wilkinson: I can suggest contrado 01:18:47 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: yes, Adobe portfolio is best for individual images. 01:19:14 terry: ACer 27 01:19:31 terry: I have 2 of them 01:19:33 Jenny Wilkinson: https://www.contrado.co.uk/bespoke-wallpaper 01:19:59 Jenny Wilkinson: Although they are UK based? 01:20:26 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: where are you located 01:20:48 Rita Patel: i kknow that drive 01:21:03 terry: COntrado has US and Canadian websites 01:21:05 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: give me your email address to discuss if you’d like 01:21:16 annembray: UK location not an issue. I got samples delivered to CA faster from them than Spoonflower. Usually 1 week turnaround, I think. 01:22:22 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: msluci@msn.com or connect with me on LinkedIn for Wallpaper job lead 01:23:50 Ellie's iPhone 11 Pro: I’ve gotta run. Thanks everyone. See you in September. 01:24:39 Anna: KYLE BRUSHES for Photoshop 01:24:39 Anna: https://www.adobe.com/uk/products/photoshop/brushes.html 01:27:33 Jenny Bova: I have to run! See you all tomorrow for Chelsea’s live.... 01:28:48 Anna: Bye 01:31:13 Kathleen: Super cute ! 01:33:11 Kathleen: Please you tag me as well 01:33:43 Kathleen: @longhillprints 01:33:51 Teresa Reynolds: Teresareynoldsbeauty 01:34:53 Kathleen: Thank you everyone. I have to go. See you all next month. 01:37:16 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: share your work Rita! don’t let that stall you 01:41:40 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: hahaha 01:43:30 Rita Patel: what is the name? 01:43:44 Michelle Fifis: SEM Rush 01:43:48 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: great idea! 01:45:25 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: you may want to sell that list!! 01:45:33 Rita Patel: yes 01:46:34 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: $10 list downloads! 01:46:49 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: yes 01:46:58 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: ppl would buy 01:47:03 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: I would 01:47:09 Rita Patel: me too 01:47:57 Rita Patel: that was my july 01:48:53 terry: Yes its there 01:49:56 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: So Cool Rita Congratulations 01:50:57 lwomack - iPhone XR - DEP0002605: 🙌🏽 01:51:06 Rita Patel: thank you :)