New Chelsea’s Challenge: 5 Colors
After a month-long hiatus, we are happy to be “back to your regularly scheduled programming” with a brand new Chelsea’s Challenge for August! This time around we are going to do something a little different and focus on color rather than a theme or trend.
Read more about the new challenge here.
Upcoming Collaboration Group-Study
It’s back!!! We’re excited to run our popular Collaboration Group-Study from August 12-August 23, 2019.
In this group-study you will learn the importance of working alongside other designers whether they be peers or clients, how to handle conflicts when they arise and how collaboration will enrich your design process. You will identify your strengths and what challenges you when working with others, and practice your new-found skills giving you the confidence to put them into action.
Premiere Vision Recap Recording
In Thursday’s presentation Chelsea and Melissa shared experiences from their recent experience at Premiere Vision. In this recording you’ll learn what we took to the show, the types of connections we made and what type of prints that buyers were requesting.
Members can watch the recording here.
Fall Schedule Released
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! In this Pattern Observer blog post you’ll find our schedule of events for the remainder of 2019.
One of the most exciting changes is that we are extending our partnership with WGSN to include access to WGSN Insight. If you are not familiar with the platform, Insight “provides original intelligence and research on the latest consumer, marketing, retail and innovation trends.” We will be using this tool in new bimonthly marketing workshops held within our #textiledesignlab community. These workshops will help to improve the connections that members are making with buyers, clients, consumers, while also helping to inform on the design process to make our members more attractive candidates for in-house design positions and internships.
All events listed in our schedule are free for members. There are no additional fees for these events or courses. Here are just a few of the upcoming events, you can see the entire list in this blog post.
- Aug 12: Collaboration Group-Study
- Aug 26: Surface Pattern Design Mastery, including access to WGSN Fashion or Home
- Sept 2: Design opportunity for Pattern Observer Studio
- Sept 23: Marketing Workshop, includes access to WGSN Insight
- Oct 14: Sellable Sketch Group-Study, including access to WGSN Fashion or Home
- Oct 28: Print Studio Workshop
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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