Textile Design Lab

TDL News 7-25-21

Upcoming Event: Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle

From Laura, “Our July 27th (11am Eastern) Illustrator live session will be about using Astute Graphics plugins!

Astute Graphics makes a suite of amazingly helpful plugins for Illustrator, but a common complaint is that there is so much going on, it’s hard to know where to begin. https://astutegraphics.com

I’m going to tackle the subject with an overview of how to set up your plugin workspace and incorporate some of the most useful plugins into your workflow without too much overwhelm.

We’ve looked at some of the plugins in sessions past (Space Fill, Stipplism, Phantasm, Vector First Aid), so I will also do a quick review of those, so you can keep them in mind as you progress through your own plugin journey. For those who have the plugins, here’s a chance to learn more – and for those who don’t, a chance to see if they may be useful to you.

Looking forward to it! If you have suggestions/questions for future sessions, please add them to this thread.


Recording Posted: Exploring Watercolor Brushes in Photoshop with Sherry London

On Monday, July 19th Sherry walked us through how to work with Watercolor Brushes in Photoshop!

Have a topic that you would like discussed in an upcoming presentation? Please tag @prancingpixel on the Tech Talk forum to let her know.



Chelsea’s Challenge: Photographic Florals

It seems that photographic prints come in and out of vogue periodically, but they are having a moment right now and they will be the focus of our Chelsea’s Challenge for July!

They are a fun one to try out for a change of pace if you are used to drawing or painting most of your motifs, and are great for a summertime challenge because you can go out for a walk and photograph what’s blooming in your area, be it your own back yard, a neighbor’s garden, or the local park.

Get started with this month’s design challenge here.



Recording Posted: LIVE One Hour Challenge

In this inspiring Live One Hour Challenge Chelsea leads us through a series of exercises to loosen us up and tap into our creativity.

For these exercises you’ll need: paper, markers—ideally in 4+ different colors (Sharpies are great but any markers should work,) tape, and string or yarn

You can watch a recording here.


Textile Prints with Fizah Malik: Spaced Florals

We are thrilled to announce a new tutorial in the Lab by the fabulous Fizah Malik!

This is the fifth in a series of tutorials that she has created for the Lab that has been released over the next few months. In this tutorial Fizah shares her technique for creating spaced florals.

Watch the tutorial here.

Recording Posted: Designing for Blinds & Curtains with Laura Olivia

If you are interested in designing patterns for home decor this is a presentation that you do not want to miss!

Laura dives into the details of creating patterns for home decor, specifically curtains and blinds.

You can watch the recording here.





Upcoming Events

Here are some of the live events happening this month. All times are Eastern and all events will be recorded.

7/19/21 – Summer of Creativity

7/27/21 11am – Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle

8/16/21 11am –  Photoshop Training with Sherry London




Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.

July 24, 2021

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