Chelsea’s Challenge: Unlikely Pairings
For this month’s Chelsea’s Challenge we are excited to bring back one of our challenges from years past (five years ago to be exact…can you believe it?!)
This challenge was one of Chelsea’s favorite assignments when she was going to school for textile design, and we wanted to share the concept with you because it really stretches your brain and your creativity! The challenge is to take two completely dissimilar references and integrate them into one print.
We’ve created three options for you or you can create your own brief based upon your interests and inspiration.
Upcoming Presentation: Sisters Gulassa
Sisters Lise and Cyrille are the creative duo behind SistersGulassa, an international design house that produces art, patterns, products, and trend forecasting. Their VividLiving™ lifestyle brand of prints and products is recognized for its vivid color, vibrant energy and bold pattern-mixing.
We are so excited to Lise and Cyrille back to the Lab for Part II of their presentation!
On Wednesday, June 12th at 12pm Eastern, they will be sharing details on their creative process and how their vibrant work gets created!
Members can grab the link here.
Just Released: Pattern Observer Studio Briefs Part 2!
We are calling on interested TDL members to create patterns for the Autumn/Winter 20/21 design season for Premiere Vision, to be represented under the Pattern Observer Studio brand. Please watch this video to understand the process and get involved!
The new briefs can be found here.
Report from Blueprint by Stephanie Peterson Jones
Are you curious about the Blueprint print shows?
Stephanie Peterson Jones, our February Guest Expert, was kind enough to send over this report from Blueprint.
She shares information on the setup process, the history of the show and the work that she saw represented by her fellow exhibitors.
Members can read the full report here.
Upcoming Event: Summer of Creativity
This summer we’re slowing things down. We’re carving out time to explore, reflect, create, and observe. We’re leaning on a community who is with us, helping us along the way.
Please join us for the Summer of Creativity, which is being hosted this June 17th-August 12th inside the Textile Design Lab. We are excited to have you!
During this time, our online community is devoting eight weeks to exploring their brand identity and creating pattern collections that tell their unique stories. This is done through a thoughtful, pro-growth itinerary and series of high-value tutorials.
You can check out the full schedule here.
And please be sure to register for the bonus emails here.
Upcoming Events
* Round One Première Vision Briefs Due: June 3rd
* Round Two Première Vision Briefs Released: June 3rd
* Round Two Première Vision Briefs Due: June 24th
* Print Studio Workgroup: June 10th
* Summer of Creativity: June 17th
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on MONDAY at 11am Eastern and THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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