Chelsea’s Challenge: Choose Your Own Adventure
This month’s challenge comes to us after Michelle was so inspired by the recent guest expert presentation by Sisters Gulassa.
Michelle says, “Something that stood out to me was developing a collection around whatever you are currently interested in or have been Googling. This opens up such an interesting opportunity to explore unique motifs.”
So what have you been curious about recently?
In this design challenge you’ll find links to helpful brainstorming exercises and more!
Sellable Sketch Group Study
Mark your calendars! Our popular Sellable Sketch Group-Study starts on May 13, 2019.
In this course you’ll bring clarity and focus to your collection development process and take the guesswork out of what to design each season by picking appropriate trends for your target market while staying true to your own artistic style.
You’ll also have free access to WGSN, the industry’s leading resource for trends and design direction.
Recorded Presentation: Sisters Gulassa
Sisters Lise and Cyrille are the creative duo behind SistersGulassa, an international design house that produces art, patterns, products, and trend forecasting. Their VividLiving™ lifestyle brand of prints and products is recognized for its vivid color, vibrant energy and bold pattern-mixing.
In this recent presentation they shared how they get inspired and begin their creative process.
Members can grab the link here.
Upcoming Events
* Round One Première Vision Briefs Released: May 13th
* Round One Première Vision Briefs Due: June 3rd
* Round Two Première Vision Briefs Released: June 3rd
* Round Two Première Vision Briefs Due: June 24th
* Print Studio Workgroup: June 10th
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM EDT for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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