Upcoming Events: Live Q&A with Sherry London
As part of our Photoshop for Designers I & II group-studies, Sherry London has graciously offered to host two live Q&A events for our Textile Design Lab members.
These live events will be held on Tuesday, Dec 3, 2019 at 2pm Eastern and December 19 at 10am Eastern. You can find the link for Dec 3 HERE.
Pattern Planning and Goal Setting Group-Study
Sign up TODAY! Our Pattern Planning and Goal Setting Group-Study starts on Monday, Dec. 9th and is FREE for TDL members.
In this Group-Study you’ll clarify what you hope to achieve in 2020 and create an action plan that is broken down into quarterly tasks to get you there. At the end of this course, you will feel focused and in control—ready for this upcoming year!
You’ll know exactly what steps to take and how you can use The Textile Design Lab to achieve the goals you’ve laid out before you.
New Tutorial: Color Separating with Layers
In this tutorial Michelle shares a method for working with low resolution files and color separating, while still maintaining your Photoshop layers.
She created this design in Procreate and did not verify the canvas size before starting. Yikes! Instead of redrawing the design, she’ll show you how she increased the ppi and then cleaned up the pixels through indexing.
Recording Posted: November Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle
In this training Laura covered:
- New additions to Illustrator, including the simplify tool and a wonderful new way to delete anchor points
- The recolor artwork tool, including ways to isolate specific colors or motifs (it’s a game changer!)
Watch the training recording here.
New One Hour Challenge: Recoloring a Pattern
After Laura Coyle’s most recent training on Illustrator’s Recolor Artwork Tool we wanted to post a quick challenge so you can apply what you learned. Chelsea pulled a fun new color palette and created downloadable Illustrator swatches for members to use.
Take a closer look at this design challenge here.
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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