Upcoming Event: Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle
Mark your calendars! Laura’s next Illustrator Live session will be held on November 30, 2021 at 11 am Eastern. The session is about new features in Illustrator: Vectorize on the iPad, 3D on the desktop and more.
In last month’s training, Laura shared a deep dive into the Pathfinder panel with tips for using the ShapeBuilder tool in Illustrator.
If you have suggestions/questions for future sessions, please add them to this thread.
Upcoming Opportunity: 12 Days Of Christmas Design Challenge
Pattern Observer and the Textile Design Lab will be hosting a “12 Days Of Christmas Design Challenge.” Submit* art and patterns with the 12 days of Christmas theme and you might be featured on the Pattern Observer Instagram page! The submission period is December 1st-10th and we will begin posting the winning designs the 12 days leading up to Christmas (December 14th-25th) For inspiration you could listen to the popular Christmas song, the 12 days of Christmas, and refer to our chart for what to draw. Good luck, we can’t wait to see what you create!
*When uploading your artwork please include your name in the file name so we know who to credit/tag!
Pattern Planning and Goal Setting Group-Study
Mark your calendars, our Pattern Planning and Goal Setting Group-Study starts on Monday, Dec. 6th. with a live group chat happening Monday December 13th at 12pm. This year we have expanded the course to include access to WGSN Fashion or Home.
In this Group-Study you’ll clarify what you hope to achieve in 2022 and create an action plan that is broken down into quarterly tasks to get you there. At the end of this course, you will feel focused and in control—ready for this upcoming year!
You’ll know exactly what steps to take and how you can use The Textile Design Lab to achieve the goals you’ve laid out before you.
Recording Posted: Chelsea’s LIVE One Hour Challenge
On November 23rd Chelsea lead us through another inspiring Live One Hour Challenge. If you plan to participate you will need some magazines for cutting out and your favorite drawing supplies.
A recording of this month’s presentation can be found here.
Recording Posted: Pricing for Artists with Melissa Schulz
Recording Posted: The New Object Selection Tool in Photoshop with Sherry London
Chelsea’s Challenge: Soft Glow
For this month’s Chelsea’s Challenge we are going to focus on a burgeoning trend story from WGSN that has emerged as the next iteration of the massively popular tie-dye trend. This trend includes soft gradients, blur and glow effects, and overall has a distinctly digital look. It has been forecast for women’s and men’s apparel as well as home decor and stationery, so feel free to gear your collection toward whatever market most excites you.
This design challenge includes trend insights and a downloadable color palette.
Chelsea’s next challenge will be released on Monday December 6th.
Upcoming Events
Here are some of the live events happening this month. All times are Eastern and all events will be recorded.
11/30/21 11 am – Illustrator Training with Laura Coyle
12/2/21 1pm- Art Critique with Mary Jane Mitchell
12/3/21 1pm- TDL Coloring Hour
12/6/21 – Goals Group-Study
12/6/21- Chelsea’s Challenge Released
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing, and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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