Textile Design Lab

TDL News 1/23/22

Upcoming Event: Exploring Photoshop with Sherry London 

Sherry’s next presentation was moved to Monday January 24th at 11am Eastern.  She will teach us about scripted pattern fills in Photoshop—and some third party Symmetry programs. You can find the link to participate right here. 


In December Sherry went over resolution and transformation in Photoshop, a very important topic for anyone using the program. You can find the link here.

Have a topic that you would like discussed in an upcoming presentation? Please tag @prancingpixel on the Tech Talk forum to let her know.

Upcoming Event: Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle

Laura’s next live presentation will be Tuesday January 25th at 11am Eastern. Laura will do a deep dive into using gradients in Illustrator on the iPad and the desktop. Here is the link for the presentation.

In December she demonstrated the new motion and vector jitter brush features in Adobe Fresco and showed us the fun and simple ways you can animate your drawings using Fresco.  The recording is here.


If you have suggestions/questions for future sessions, please add them to this thread.




Upcoming Event: Chelsea’s LIVE One Hour Challenge

Tuesday January 25th at 1pm Eastern Chelsea will host another live challenge. If you plan to join the materials are simple, just paper and any drawing medium you want with 4-5 color options. Here is the link to join the live challenge.

Chelsea’s one hour live event was Wednesday December 28th.  If you want to participate please collect some paper (computer paper is fine) scissors, a stapler, and an X-Acto Knife if you have one. You can find the recording here.




Upcoming Monthly Events: Community Conversations 

Through Community Conversations, we will come together for one hour through zoom to discuss a specific topic. A different member will host each live session.  The host will kick off the hour by speaking for 10-15 minutes about a particular topic or a recent industry experience. We would then open up the floor to other members to share their experiences or ask questions.  The goal of these sessions is to highlight member experiences or lessons learned and create an opportunity for members to come together and chat about a specific topic. Topics could include social media, print on demand, freelancing, SEO, artistic endeavors, being a working mom, staying creative, etc. These will be very informal conversations, and keynote presentations are not necessary.  The host will also have the opportunity to be featured on our Pattern Observer blog and social media channels. If you are interested in sharing an experience please submit here, again this is very informal and we would love to hear from you!

Interested in being published on the Pattern Observer blog? 

We would love to have you submit! It is very important you read our guidelines before you being writing. You can find them here. We are looking for two types of posts: Designer Features, you can write about your own art or someone you admire, with their permission. Also Guest Posts, where you write about industry related topics or experiences you would like to share with the community. The posts will also be featured on our social media.  Please thoroughly read the guidelines before jumping in!


Recording Posted: The Brave Yes! With Creative Entrepreneurial Coach Shawn Fink

On Tuesday January 18th Shawn Fink presented on brave moves we need to make as business owners and CEOs. Shawn is a career coach, podcaster, writer, and online creator.  For 10 years she has worked with business owners and creative entrepreneurs seeking help with their business mindsets to have better strategic planning and fierce courage to be successful CEOs.  Shawn walked us through her Braver Leadership Model: BRAVER (Blueprint for Your Future Life, Resilience, Assert & Activate, Values + Vision, EmPOWER Yourself, Reclaim Your Courage)  This was an uplifting and inspiring presentation and it will motivate you to set those goals and begin the work to achieve them. Here is the link to watch the presentation.   It begins around the 14 minute mark.

New Repeat Feat Released

Every month a Lab member’s pattern will be chosen to demonstrate different repeat techniques. January’s Repeat Feat features artwork by the talented Dora Font!

You can find previous Repeat Feats under “All Tutorials” in The Learning Center Tab of the TDL.



Click here to submit for February’s Repeat Feat. Please use this form as well when you upload your artwork so we have extra information about your file.


Group Study: The Sellable Sketch 

We kicked off 2022 with our popular Sellable Sketch Group Study. The course began January 10th and it will continue until February 25th. From sketch to collection! By the end of this course you will thoroughly understand what elements lead to a successful print collection, the importance of staying true to your artistic style, how to pick appropriate trends and inspiration sources for your target market, and how to develop a print from sketch to digital file in both Illustrator and Photoshop. This course includes access to WGSN.


Sign up for the Sellable Sketch Group Study here


Chelsea’s Challenge: The Great Outdoors

For our first Chelsea’s Challenge of 2022 we will be focusing on nature-themed patterns for kids’ apparel for the A/W 22/23 season. The outdoors is a HUGE theme on WGSN right now for children, and encompasses camping, hiking, foraging, gardening/farming, and the idea of exploration and adventuring. Get started here!





Here are some of the live events happening this month. All times are Eastern and all events will be recorded.

1/24/22- Photoshop with Sherry London 11am

1/25/22- Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle 1pm

1/25/22- One Hour Live Challenge with Chelsea at 1pm

1/27/22- Art Critique with Mary Jane Mitchell 1pm

1/28/22- Coloring Hour 1pm




Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing, and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.

January 23, 2022

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