Surface Pattern Design Mastery
Ready to Create Eye-Catching Surface Pattern Designs? Learn how to turn your sketches, paintings and illustrations into surface pattern design layouts in both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator in this new Textile Design Lab course!
In the past it has taken years to understand why some pattern layouts work and how to best develop a process that is quick and reliable for your development of eye-catching artwork. In Surface Pattern Design Mastery you are going to speed up your ability to create the impact you want with your patterns so you can get them out there sooner. You’ll be able to create patterns in minutes, instead of days by using our surface pattern design layout templates.
Great course, just what I need
Great course, just what I need
Such an important course!
I loved this course and I think the notes I gleaned will become invaluable to me and be something I refer back to often. It was such a fun way to explore different approaches to pattern! It took me a bit longer to complete, but looking back from beginning to end of the course, I see a great deal of growth. I feel like now the possibilities and combinations are endless! I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to streamline their pattern design process and get the most out of what they create.