Textile Design Lab

2018 Surtex Recap

9 Responses on 2018 Surtex Recap"

  1. This is so great! Thank you, very helpful. One question @chelsea – I couldn’t understand the name of the exhibitor who had been there for 30 or so years, sounded like ‘Coldwell and Wode’? Thanks!

  2. That was a great presentation! Very informative, even though I will never attend a trade show myself (shy and easily overwhelmed) it is helpful to understand the process.

    Do you think conversational designs work best in a collection, or as one-off designs?

    • Hey Anni! I think they can work really well in a collection. So many quilting collections have this style. Turning a conversational motif into a collection is a fun way to continue the “story” of the character(s).

  3. AlexM says:

    Thank you so much for this fab recap. For your time and generosity.
    You have such a positive and open attitude, I love that because it’s what I need! I feel so anxious about getting my work out, just listening to you about SURTEX I was nervous, ha ha! So it is really great to listen to how you felt and what you did, etc.
    Thanks again for everything, including the amazing opportunity you gave us members to bring our work with you.

  4. Thank you for this useful video!!

  5. DillyDesigns says:

    Hi @michelle. I’m looking to upgrade my printer. Which do you use? I thought I heard you mention it, but can’t find the reference. Also regarding Blurb, I’m thinking of producing an A3 book and would welcome your thoughts and comments on Blurb, the process and quality. Thank you for such informative videos on Surtex and Inception, all your hard work and for sharing with us here in TDL. If you need help/volunteers for anything TDL/PatternObserver related, don’t hesitate to ask. Jane

    • Hi Jane,
      Michelle uses an Epson Ecotank. Creating the Blurb book was a pretty simple & painless process, you can download their book making software which has templates to use and then it automatically sends it to the website for ordering. I found the quality to be quite nice on the small softcover book we ordered. Thanks for the offer of help, we may take you up on that in the future! 😉

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