Grab Your Spot: Photoshop for Designers 1 & 2 Group-Study
Mark your calendars! Photoshop for Designers 1 & 2 Group-Studies start on May 14, 2018!
Your creative spirit does not have to be inhibited by software or the digital art world. The two can come together in an amazing collaborative effort. In these 6-week courses you’ll discover the most efficient and effective use of Adobe Photoshop while creating the artwork that you love to design.
New Design Challenge: May Softness
I am so excited to share this new design challenge with you! I found this to be a very inspiring trend and have already started preparing my canvases and background patterns.
This month we are focusing on the fashion market, and our challenge is all about softness–softness in color, line and form.
In the challenge we explore Softened Geos, Nostalgic Photos and Tapestry Vibes. Drawing inspiration from a variety of different cultures and perspectives.
You can read the full design challenge here.
And I can’t wait to see what you create!
Recording Posted: Successful Selling with Cathrin Gressieker
Did you miss Cathrin Gressieker‘s live training event? Cathrin is having great success by selling her work through Patternbank and shared tips for selling your work through the site and getting your start as a professional textile designer.
This is a must watch recording! Get started here.
Weekly Art Critique Please join Michelle Fifis for our live art critique held THURSDAY at 1 PM EDT. This is a fun event where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed out early on Thursday morning and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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