Textile Design Lab

TDL News 9/25/22

New Chelsea’s Challenge: Home Sweet Home

For this month’s Chelsea’s Challenge we are focusing on a rising trend of incorporating cozy home-inspired motifs into a print and pattern collection for apparel.

Check out the full post here which includes three inspiring trend boards, trend information from WGSN and downloadable color palettes.

Upcoming Event: Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle

Laura’s next presentation will be this Tuesday September 27th at 11am EST. Laura will show us tips on work flows between Adobe Fresco and Illustrator.  On August 23rd Laura showed us how to properly insert documents from Illustrator to Photoshop and she went over a quick demo on preventing file and setting loss when Illustrator crashes. You can watch the demo here and download her PDF for Illustrator file recovery here.  If you have suggestions/questions for future sessions, please add them to this thread.  You can ask her questions by tagging @laurac


Upcoming Event: Chelsea’s LIVE One Hour Challenge

September 28th at 1pm EST Chelsea will host her next Live One Hour Challenge. Materials needed are just paper and drawing implements of your choosing.

You can participate in the August One Hour Challenge here; for supplies you need acrylic paint, paper, (preferably thicker stock like watercolor paper) paintbrushes, water, rubbing alcohol, and something flat to drag paint around like a small piece of cardboard or plastic, string, and a paperclip!

Upcoming Event: Monthly Coloring Hour

We began the Coloring Hour in 2020 during the Pandemic when everyone was locked inside and using zoom for communication and connection. It was a wonderful way to gather as a community and discuss the changing world, our families, art, design, and other current events or creative struggles.  However we have realized that life has returned to a more normal fast paced flow with less time at home to meet for zoom chats and therefore we are going to scale back the coloring hour to a once a month meet up. Our first one will be September 30th at 1pm EST Join Michelle, Chelsea, and Amanda to discuss how your month went, what projects you are working on, what you learned from our monthly guest experts, what your future plans are, and other similar topics.  If you can’t make it that day, we will all be around again on October 28th at 1pm EST. These talks will still have the same casual experience where you can work and hang out. We hope to chat with you soon!

Upcoming Course: Selling Your Work

This October we will come together to focus on improving our sales and business. We will begin on October 3rd and send out 5 lessons with insight into selling your art in different markets. We will also have two guest experts speak about freelance success, Sandra Mejia and Misha Zadeh.   And we will share many archived tutorials with even more info! SIGN UP HERE and if you want more information you can read the schedule and find more info here 

Recording Posted: Exploring Photoshop with Sherry London 

Sherry’s September topic was more information on smart objects and an intro to the pattern preview mode. You can watch the recording here. In Sherry’s August covered “From scanned image to Pattern Motifs”—How to prep non-destructively so you can repurpose motifs easily.  This tutorial is a great refresher for using layer masks and smart objects on artwork you are editing. Find the recording with this link.  If you have questions you can ask them in the tech talk forum and tag @prancingpixel

Have a topic that you would like discussed in an upcoming presentation? Please tag @prancingpixel on the Tech Talk forum to let her know.

Recording Posted: Guest Expert Paula Pappenheim 

On September 13th Spanish artist Paula Pappenheim of Pappenpop was our Guest Expert on freelance designing and business development. You can watch our conversation right here. Paula runs her own design studio without any assistants or agents out of Madrid, Spain. She creates art for fashion, rugs, wallpaper, installations, home goods, packaging, and even a Harley Davidson motorcycle! Paula also works with many mediums, like paint, digital, and collage.  Be sure to tune in to hear about how she manages all this on her own. Here is her website. 

Here are some of the events happening this month. All times are Eastern and all live events will be recorded.

9/26/22- New Chelsea’s Challenge Released

9/27/22- Illustrator Live with Laura Coyle 11am EST

9/28/22- LIVE One Hour Challenge with Chelsea 1pm EST

9/29/22- Weekly Art Critique with Mary Jane Mitchell 1pm EST

9/30/22- Coloring Hour Join Michelle, Chelsea, and Amanda to recap the month and discuss what we have learned 1pm EST

Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing, and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.

September 24, 2022

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