Speed Up Your Design Process Using the Content-Aware Fill Tool
In this new tutorial Chelsea shows you some ways of using the new Content Aware Fill command in Photoshop to speed up your design process. This tool can be used to aid in building textures and all-over patterns, and as a short-cut when putting certain patterns into repeat.
Now, with the latest release of Creative Cloud, we have a fabulous new dedicated Content Aware Fill command that allows you to preview and adjust the fill before applying it to your design. Let’s take a look at how this works with a few different examples!
Upcoming Event: Print Studio Workgroup
Is your portfolio finalized and are you ready to apply to print studios? We’re here to help!
From Monday, October 28 – Friday, November 22, the TDL is running its fifith Print Studio Workgroup. This group will meet on Tuesdays at 1pm Eastern for four weeks and will walk you step-by-step through the process of reaching out to print studios for representation.
There will be a short presentation at the beginning of each session with time for questions. Discussions will take place throughout the week on our forum. All sessions will be recorded and posted to the Lab.
Recording: Exploring Print Studios with Laura Olivia
In this training Laura will shares how designers can work successfully with an agent/studio with a focus on those selling designs with the full copyright. She will explore how to choose the right agent, how to get the best out of your working relationship and what it takes to make a full time living through this avenue.
Members can find the recording here.
Weekly Art Critiques. Please join the TDL community on THURSDAY at 1 PM Eastern for a live art critique. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.
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