Textile Design Lab

TDL News 3-25-19

Live Event: Guest Expert Ana Davis

We are delighted to announce our Textile Design Lab expert for the month of March, Ana Davis! Ana will be speaking to Lab members on Friday, March 29th at 1pm EDT.

A fine artist by education, Ana got her feet wet in the professional world at a children’s book publisher, where whimsy and playfulness filled her days (and her heart) for many years. The result is a traditionally trained painter with a well-honed eye for fun. Ana’s patterns are inspired by architectural details and vintage elements. Humor peppers her work, as do flowers, bunnies, and rainbows.

In addition to her fabrics, gifts, and home decor products, Ana develops bespoke products for high-end retailers. Branded lines of tabletop and glassware are headed to stores near you this spring and summer.

Ana will be speaking about working as a Creative Director in the publishing field, and how that informs her approach to making art as a licensor, from building a portfolio to making a style guide and directing product to fit the brand.

This chat will be recorded and posted in the Lab. There will be lots of time for questions!

Pattern Observer Studio Brief (which doubles as this month’s Chelsea’s Challenge!)

We just published our latest brief for children’s patterns for Premiere Vision, which you can find here. April 2-8 is the submission period for the brief. We will only be accepting submissions during this week, not before or after.

Please post any questions to the studio forum, here.


If you wish to take part in just the Chelsea’s Challenge, you may do so HERE.


New Tutorial: How to Revamp Old Patterns

You might look back on a pattern you created years ago, or even months ago, and cringe a little…it can be a little like reading through an old diary, and remind you of a different time in your life when you had fewer design techniques under your belt, maybe a more tenuous grasp on Photoshop or Illustrator, or less of an awareness about who you want to be as a designer and what sort of work you want to create.

In this tutorial Chelsea talks about some of the ways you can revamp old patterns to give them new life.


Weekly Art Critiques. This week we have TWO live art critiques! Please join MaryJane Mitchell on Tuesday at 1:30pm EDT and Michelle Fifis at THURSDAY at 1 PM EDT. Our art critiques are fun events where Lab members come together to review artwork and ask questions about pattern design, marketing and sales. A registration link will be emailed the morning of the critique and will also be posted in our Weekly Art Critique forum. Textile Design Lab members can watch past critiques here.

March 25, 2019

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